Gunnar of bradford MN
New member
went to a spot i was watching all summer , put the cibola at the minimum depth that is just turned on and sencitivity all the way left well as soon as the coil hit the ground i got my first beep it was a zinc penny i was only digging the 2.5" coins and i was hitting them one after the other i only stayed 1/2 hr and found 5 quarters 6 nickles 3 dimes and 12 pennys and only one pull tab and a pencil eraser this ceboal is hot on nickles really hot quarters give a more melow sound and foil tends to give a somewhat broken signal but coins almost always give a good strong sound and the great thing about this coil is HOW FAST IT PINPONTS pinponting whith this coil is so nice way better than any coil i used on my m-6 the hole in the center alows me to see exakly whear the spot is and on coins for sure i can bounce the coil up and down and pinpont the target whithin 1 sq inch SO NICE" and it makes digging the targets so fast i did not have to use the pinponter i have at all this is going to be one nice coin finding machine as far as the minearalization testing i did keep in mind i went out of my wasy to find the worst soil conditions i could and anything in the metro im in will never get that badd but i do whish i had the all metal for that more later