[quote silvernail]Sounds like you are probably right. So is Uncle Willy, and so was whoever (Mark Twain ?) said 'If you want to judge a man's character, give him a little power.' Sorry. Officious and brusque public employees and prohibitionists of all stripes annoy me. In fairness it ought to be said that we employ these people to take care of properties and values in the broad public interest. They generally try to do that, right after they take care of the job security problem and issues related to the boss's job security, and so on. I'm afraid it is true they are constantly besieged with demands from one special interest or another, and shorted on budget needs, so eventually grow callouses. They also see too many night poachers, historic site pillagers, marijuana growers, meth labbers and other criminal types. In truth, I doubt you will be missing out on a hell of a lot and I see other NoDaks with interesting finds on the various forums. ND has lots of interesting places to prospect. HH[/quote]
As a Law Enforcement Officer, you hit some key points right on the head. One bad apple does not spoil the bunch! I am fortunate that where I live/work, our County and City Governments have no problems with detecting on their property (a couple of parks require permits, but its no more than a trip to the city office, show an id, and sign the paper). Yep... we have a lot of issues we deal with on our jobs. Traffic control, misdemeanor crime, felony crimes... and the all to often doldrums of "barking dogs complaints" and "disabled vehicles" calls. Fourteen years on the job and I still love it, but I will tell you after spending 2 or 3 consecutive nights chasing down suspects with warrants who want to run from you, then fight you... a high speed pursuit of a stolen vehicle... a domestic violence gun run with kids in the house.... this stuff can kinda wear on ya and you might be looking for an easy shift your next day back. So yes, maybe some of these guys have had a rough week or so, maybe some of them enjoy what they perceive to be the "power of the badge". I don't abuse the position I swore to uphold and that the public entrusts me with. Yup... I have alot of enemies out there that wouldn't think a second about doing something to me, my property, or my God forbid even my family. But I've made a lot of friends along the way. Treat me with respect, you get respect back... disrespect me and the badge I wear with the privilege granted me by my community to uphold the law and we're going to have issues.
So to sum it up... yep... some can be brusque or power hungry. I just wanted to reiterate your point that we all are not like that!