Got the ID out for the first time and played with it. I am very happy with it. Nancy was using the ID and I was using the C$.At first nothing was looking good on ids, ID would show 29 and the C$ was all over the place. This went on for about 30 mins and then I looked at the sen on the C$,it was max out. Turned it down and everything was looking good. Nancy got a feel for the ID and she was happy with it. She said it felt good and easy to use. I put the C$ up and then was digging her finds. After digging about 30 or so pull tabs she said I would like to find a ring, I told her she has to dig about 970 more pull taps. She went home this weekend so I am going to play with the ID.I am very happy with the ID.Its a fun unit and ids very nice. Thanks to all for advice on it. Thanks Bill L for all your input and hard work with the ID.I think Fisher and everyone there did their homework on this. I just started using Fishers last year with the 3D and fell in love with it. I got a Explorer II last year, its a very good unit, I didn