And boy was I surprised. A lot bigger machine than I expected. Looks like a Hi-tect Monster. Lot different than the Ace 250. Guess I'll be readin and swingin a lot trying to learn what it'll do. Don't care much for the talkin part but I never did like cars that talk to ya either. Makes me think their smarter than I am. Took the 2500 out for about a half hour to the local school playground (My personal testing ground) Dug a potted meat can at 4" below the wood chips (In solid ground under the chips). Guess thats an indication that I can find something with it. I'll probably be posting a lot of questions trying to learn this monster. Any tips will be greatly appriciated.
May GOD Bless and Happy Hunting,
KY Bud
May GOD Bless and Happy Hunting,
KY Bud