I hit the old schoolhouse again between rain drops for a couple hours.
I got 4 wheats 1945D, 1944, 1919, 1918, A 1911 "V" nickel, and a 1943 silver Washington quarter!
[attachment 27206 DSC02513.JPG]
Close up of the "V" nickel!
[attachment 27207 DSC02517.JPG]
Here are some of the relics I got! An 1800's suspender buckle, a neat old clock key, probably 1800's, A dress weight or hem weight, A neat bracelet, and an old clasp type ear ring!
[attachment 27209 DSC02518.JPG]
And the toys. A couple cars, a face pendant, and a beaded ear ring.
After a ton of rain the ground was like butter!
[attachment 27210 DSC02519.JPG]
I got 4 wheats 1945D, 1944, 1919, 1918, A 1911 "V" nickel, and a 1943 silver Washington quarter!
[attachment 27206 DSC02513.JPG]
Close up of the "V" nickel!
[attachment 27207 DSC02517.JPG]
Here are some of the relics I got! An 1800's suspender buckle, a neat old clock key, probably 1800's, A dress weight or hem weight, A neat bracelet, and an old clasp type ear ring!
[attachment 27209 DSC02518.JPG]
And the toys. A couple cars, a face pendant, and a beaded ear ring.
After a ton of rain the ground was like butter!
[attachment 27210 DSC02519.JPG]