I just got permission to hunt a 1925 home in South Florida. The house is one of the oldest in the area that I have been able to locate. When it was built in 1925 it was one of the biggest houses and was owned by the same family well into the 1980s. It has had 2 owners to date. I would like to have some suggestions on how best to hunt this property, as I will most likely have this weekend as my only shot at it. The owner's wife is away and he has told me to come by and see what I can find. Apparently he is very interested in what is hidden on the property and his wife is against having her lawn and yard dug up. At best this weekend because of work commitments I will have 5 to 6 hours total to hunt the property. Given the time constraints I would like some thoughts on how best to approach this site. I am intrigued by the site, as I strongly believe that no one has ever hunted it before as most treasure hunters down here stick to the beaches, parks and surf. Thanks in advance for any suggestions and I will post anything I find in a follow-up post.
Best regards,
Best regards,