Terry in PA
New member
Went to a old farm to hunt the yard. A big yard to boot. I detected for about three hours. I noticed that the dirt was very soft. So anything to old would have been deeeeep. So I fired up the ol GTI2500 and started working the sidewalk area. Got a good hit at six inches and dug up a thimble with a ring over it. The stone is gone but the thimble is silver.Lots of junk closer to the house but did pull out one wheat penny and some other change. And also got a silver ring and don't you know the stone is gone also. I checked the dirt but could not find it.Had a couple of deep hits on large targets at the 12+ mark and checked them out. One was a old mason jar lid and I pulled it out and checked the hole out real good but no more goodies in there. Not a bad day with a two ring find.. I can't upload any pictures yet but am working on a new camera.