i stumbled onto this field in the course of my work with the cable co. The man that owns it was like the caretaker for a lady around 85 or so who passed
away and didn't have any family so she left it to Ray. He is the kind that deserves it, hes a hard working Dairy farmer. I gained permission to hunt the
old house approx 130 years old. Weaver and i found a few Indian Heads & a V nickel. Ray came out to talk to us and told us that we should check
out this hill in the back in the middle of 99 acres. He was busy so he just pointed it out to us, he had told us that a buddy of his had found a silver dollar
back there in the tobacco and there were pieces of broken pottery ever where, he also said he had plowed up what he thought to be hearth stones. He said
that he had ask the old lady that owned it about it and she told him that the farm had been in her family for 3 generations and that there was never anything
back there. We started walking back there and i am thinking just another wild goose chase. We get to the top of the hill and start hunting. We hunt for i
guess maybe a hour or 2 and Ray rides out on his tractor & shows me where his buddy found the silver dollar (Spanish 8 Reale). I don't remember for sure but i don't think we had even found a button up to this point. I figure what the hell, i start hunting this area to no avail. I start wondering all around and after
another hour or 2 we are about to leave and i go back over around the silver dollar spot and i get a solid beautiful dime hit, i get down to dig and i see the
back of what i think is a Barber dime with a thin layer of dirt on it. I call Weaver over to look at it and he can't see it. i reach down and pick it up and turn
it over and it's Seated, 1841, Hot Damn, its on now. We go ahead and leave and make plans to come back next Saturday. Well Saturday comes and
it is raining pretty hard, we don't care, we can't wait to get there. We get there and slosh through the mud and Weaver gets in this wash on the side of the hill and starts hunting, and right away he's calling me over, he found a old German coin, i forget what it's called, i think the date was 1803. Within
about one hour he had found 6 old coins in this wash and i didn't have zip. Any way we have had one hell of a time in this field over the last 7 years.
Most of the coins were beat up but i have some sweet ones. The first coin i found ended up being the newest out of this field. It scares the hell out of
me ever time i think that if i hadn't found that first dime we may have never came back and would have missed all these good times. The history books
show a settlement across the road about a mile away. We have researched the hell out of it to no avail. We think it must have been a tavern, although
we have found Spanish silver and seated coins all over, we can't explain the buttons, that is a mystery. We have permission forever, we don't have to
tell him we are coming, we have went out there in the middle of the night & hunted all night. I don't think i will ever see another field like this.