Well, it was pretty nice out so I figured I'd hit a park where there used to be a pond (back in the 40's). I found a map that shows exactly where it was. I've found some wheaties there before but I really haven't hunted it that much. Now that my machine is working well, I figured I'd give it a shot. Found 2 wheaties a Merc and a neat Bobcat pin. Didn't bother to set up the lights or use a tripod for this shot and it still came out pretty good..
<img src=http://render2.snapfish.com/render2/is=Yup6aQQ%7C%3Dup6%3DzqH%3AxxqUD7qRUrKxzX7BHpUUKxgXP0J%3F87KR6xqpxQQ0nxaJexelexv8uOc5xQQQonnJellPGeqpfVtB%3F*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXP0J%7CRup6l0P%7C/of=50,561,443>
Took this next shot through the back sliding glass door from about 20 ft away. The neat thing about this camera is that it has a 12X optical zoom which is equivilent to a 400mm or so lens. Pretty cool.
<img src=http://render2.snapfish.com/render2/is=Yup6aQQ%7C%3Dup6%3DzqH%3AxxqUD7qRUrKxzX7BHpUUKxgXP0Q%3F87KR6xqpxQQ0nxaJexelexv8uOc5xQQQonnJeleQPJqpfVtB%3F*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXP0Q%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442>
<img src=http://render2.snapfish.com/render2/is=Yup6aQQ%7C%3Dup6%3DzqH%3AxxqUD7qRUrKxzX7BHpUUKxgXP0J%3F87KR6xqpxQQ0nxaJexelexv8uOc5xQQQonnJellPGeqpfVtB%3F*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXP0J%7CRup6l0P%7C/of=50,561,443>
Took this next shot through the back sliding glass door from about 20 ft away. The neat thing about this camera is that it has a 12X optical zoom which is equivilent to a 400mm or so lens. Pretty cool.
<img src=http://render2.snapfish.com/render2/is=Yup6aQQ%7C%3Dup6%3DzqH%3AxxqUD7qRUrKxzX7BHpUUKxgXP0Q%3F87KR6xqpxQQ0nxaJexelexv8uOc5xQQQonnJeleQPJqpfVtB%3F*KUp7BHSHqqy7XH6gXP0Q%7CRup6lQQ%7C/of=50,590,442>