Met my wife for her lunch break in Albany, then brought the X5 over to Washington Park to see what the Classic ID and DFX missed. Got some new change and then heard a nice repeating deep signal and got this fob??? It looks like it is a Boy Scout medallion or fob and doesn't seem to open but does have a hinge.(Any ID'ers) It was about 8" down so may be 1800's (if the boy scouts were around then) as I found a few early flat buttons at about 6-8" in the area I was hunting. I did get some unsettling news though from the supervisor of groundskeeping. He said there was some trouble with a person tripping on a hole and it was blamed on dectectorists. He said he had no problem and felt it was the dogs digging holes as everyone he saw detecting was filling them in. He said the other guys were ready to call the cops if they found people detecting. There are no signs and the cops have always been cool there as well as the grounskeepers. It is a start though in a bad direction. Does anyone know the exact laws for Washington Park in Albany, NY? I want to write my Rep., Kirsten Guilldebran and try to get it in stone that detecting is allowed there so there won't be any signs going up. I'd like to get the jump on the few idiots who can't watch where they are walking. Have a good one and here is a pic of my first bowfin, from Lake Champlain and also one my friend from France got.