Keepers where harder to come by then wheaties but, 1898 must have been a good year regardless. I do not mind digging wheaties but, there everywhere at this spot.
I had asked my friend to go but, he came down with a bug. So, hopefully he will get out when he gets to feeling better.
One thing I found that really has my interest is some kind of heavy steel piece. It almost looks like it has some very very faint impression in it of writing (could just be my terrible eyesight maybe, it just appears that way)?
One side is flat and the other is ever so slightly dished as if something might have been struck in it or it has used to strike another object?
It was really deep and its a heavy little bugger. I am thinking some kind of old press piece?
Well, I know it will make a neat paperweight anyhow.
The flattie is worn and needs to soak more but,appears to be backmarked.
Hope everyone has a great week
On a side note: last hunt my armrest broke (bought duct-tape on the go) and today my end of my X1 probe fell off as its wore out.
I had asked my friend to go but, he came down with a bug. So, hopefully he will get out when he gets to feeling better.
One thing I found that really has my interest is some kind of heavy steel piece. It almost looks like it has some very very faint impression in it of writing (could just be my terrible eyesight maybe, it just appears that way)?
One side is flat and the other is ever so slightly dished as if something might have been struck in it or it has used to strike another object?
It was really deep and its a heavy little bugger. I am thinking some kind of old press piece?
Well, I know it will make a neat paperweight anyhow.
The flattie is worn and needs to soak more but,appears to be backmarked.
Hope everyone has a great week
On a side note: last hunt my armrest broke (bought duct-tape on the go) and today my end of my X1 probe fell off as its wore out.