I finally got my Tesoro Silver Sabre uMax from the UPS truck today. Boy does it ever burn me when people don't take care of their detector. The Sabre I got is 100% functional but it wasn't very nice cosmetically. Control box/face plate/ was dirty, I couldn't seperate the lower rod from the upper rod to adjust the coil distance it was set up bad. I believe that the person that had it got done using it and threw it up in their closet without cleaning it and it set there for along time. Anyways I took it all apart and cleaned everything up, it cleaned up very well actually looks almost like new. There is still some friction when trying to push the lower rod into the upper rod, I think that there is a small bend in one of the rods (it has happened to me before with a Tesoro, a brand new Silver uMax)that keeps it from moving freely. I think that I might call the factory tomorrow and see if they will send me out a new lower/upper shaft/rod. I only got about 10 minutes to try out my Sabre before it got dark at a tot lot. I didn't find much but was amazed at the sensitivity, I was finding very small items at respectable depths. It might be just because I haven't had a Tesoro in awhile but I find my Sabre lighter than the other Tesoro's I have had. Sure is a nice little machine. Thanks! Steve.