So, The title says it all. I did receive my new Anderson Carbon Fiber straight shaft today. I spent an 8 hour day, the other day, with my replacement excal 2 ad my arm/shoulder was killing me using the stock shaft. I contacted kellyco and ordered another straight shaft and decided to try the carbon fiber one. I went out with it today and I cant believe I didnt order another straight shaft with my new excal the day I bought it. Today went so much better. The straight shaft is so well balanced. You dont respect what you had until you've lost it (or had it stolen). I ended the day with little/no fatigue. The carbon shaft is great, it completely changes the experience with this machine. For those of you still using the stock shaft, I highly recommend turning that piggy-bank of finds upside down and getting one of these, it really is worth the money. I wish anderson would make this shaft with a "break" in the middle, to make it collapsible, but I will be changing that tomorrow with a stop at home depot and a little time with my dremel tool. I know that I have been "pushing" a few products on this forum the past couple of weeks, but I want to make it clear that I am not getting anything, from anyone for my opinion. I simply have come across a few products that have just made my MD'ing experience much more enjoyable and therefore wanted to share with others. I am so happy I ordered another one of the anderson shafts, it has made me look forward to going out and using my Excal this week rather than dreading the pain it will cause me the day after. HH and thanks for reading. -Marc