Pete in MI
New member
Went to a local elementary school/park playground. Think someone else has been hitting the area. If they are they missed the 58 Wheatie plus 14 Mems, 7 dimes, 3 nickels and earring, 2 unknowns and
another football for my doberman to play with. Most of what was found was around the outer area of the playground - not just near the playground equipment (I started outside slowly working my way towards the center). The wheatie came from an indentation in the ground about 10 yards away. Maybe it was where old equipment had been and had been removed. Found several pennies and dimes in that small 'dip'.
Wasn't too hot this morning so figured now was a better time maybe than later today or tomorrow. Not even the weatherman knows what tomorrow will bring.
Just another nice morning God gave me to enjoy His handiwork. Saw a cute little bunny thismorning (God knows I'm a sucker for cute animals
Hope everyone has a beautiful and blessed day.

Wasn't too hot this morning so figured now was a better time maybe than later today or tomorrow. Not even the weatherman knows what tomorrow will bring.
Just another nice morning God gave me to enjoy His handiwork. Saw a cute little bunny thismorning (God knows I'm a sucker for cute animals

Hope everyone has a beautiful and blessed day.