Got old dog tags?
I am a member of ISALC ~ the International Society of Animal License Collectors. We are always looking for new discoveries to update our O.K. (oldest known) data base. Also, we like to document ALL known pre-1900 dated dog tax tags from all issuing agencies ~ state, county, township, city, town, borough, etc.
Have you dug up an old dog tax tag or dog license tag? Please e-mail me pix ~ ~ I can check our list to see if you have found something that we were unaware of! These updates will be reflected in the future printings of Bill Bone's book US DOG LICENSE TAGS.
I am a member of ISALC ~ the International Society of Animal License Collectors. We are always looking for new discoveries to update our O.K. (oldest known) data base. Also, we like to document ALL known pre-1900 dated dog tax tags from all issuing agencies ~ state, county, township, city, town, borough, etc.
Have you dug up an old dog tax tag or dog license tag? Please e-mail me pix ~ ~ I can check our list to see if you have found something that we were unaware of! These updates will be reflected in the future printings of Bill Bone's book US DOG LICENSE TAGS.