Thought it was you but wasn't sure, but I thought you didn't know of any fake Coiltek coils and were just suspicious of there being any when considering the WOT you might purchase, and then I told you I never heard of any being faked that I knew of. A few days later that kept bugging me, so I started to do some digging and then came across that video, which indeed proves you were right to be suspicious. I hadn't heard of any being faked. Same with machines. Just rumors with no real substance that I ever saw. Only thing that came close from memory is I vaguely remember seeing a thread a few years back with a link to a fake T2 unit if I remember right, but I wasn't sure if that panned out to be the case or if it was just somebody's suspicion.
I suspect they targeted that coil in that video for a gold unit because of the hefty price tag, and so I'd figure it would be machines and coils that are rather on the expensive side that would be cloned to increase profit potential. Then again, I see it appears from the one link somebody posted that there is at least one fake SEF version for the T2 units, so now it's a game of buyer beware for sure out there. If the price looks too good to be true then it probably is on machines or coils. These guys have to move stuff quickly to generate a worth while income from the effort, so that means a really good price. If they priced new or used items near the going rate they wouldn't be getting the kind of cash flow they are looking for I would guess.
So has anybody confirmed that the WOT coils are also being cloned? From the sound of what I dug up in the above linked thread they are now cloning Pro Pointers too. Man, those things new have gone up from the $115 I paid for mine a few years back. It would seem when they saw the Pro Find wasn't panning out to be as good on in ground targets, and yet costs much more, they had room to raise the price of the Pro Pointer, unless they did that before the Pro Find came out? I haven't watched the prices on the Pro Pointer since I bought mine, and at the time $115 was the best price I could find.