It's patchy......places still open to hunt. And real mucky too. There are some places without snow and or a thin layer still detectable.It hasn't been cold enough to for the frost to set in, so I still can detect.

Good old Brylcreem. "A little dab will do you" as the old commercials used to say. The tube is made of metal. It rang in the 80's. I pretty well dug all targets today, as there were not very many hits at all.

This was a first! The vintage buried bottle of whiskey was broken and the label gave me a beep in the high 70's. The label was still intact, and easily peeled off. I took it home, cleaned it up and here it is.

Got a signal in the low 80's on a trail. At about 5 inches, out came this old silver dime. The date had long worn off, but it was during the rein of British King George V, dating the coin somewhere in between 1911 - 1936.
Below are some ammo I dug up.