Offshore wind does not happen too often here, so a guy has to take advantage of it when it does. I went out in Lake Mich where I found that mood ring yesterday. Figured theres gotta be another ring in this cut if that one was there. Second target at 6:30am was this 2gr 14k mens band. solid 53 signal Later working pretty deep water where a sand bar used to be, got a very deep nickel signal...just a tiny pip, no TID at all, turned the sens up one more notch and it was just a bit louder but not much, still no TID, took out a few scoops and it got louder, I just kept scooping and sweeping the ever expanding hole and finally brought up a 36 buffalo nickel!. I ran out of steam at 9:30...I gotta get in a little better shape when the season gets in full swing and miles of sand need sweeping.