I headed out after work for about 1 1/2 hours. It was cold, windy and the temperature was below freezing. I put the stock 9 1/2" Imaging coil on the GTI 2500 and used the true all metal mode to find my targets, then switched over to motion discriminate to get more identification on it. It was a perfect place for this, as the targets were few and far in between.
Here's the best finds of the day. If you look carefully on the musket ball, you can still see the flat imprint from the powder rifle barrel. That sailor pin I actually found the other day. I am not sure if it is authentic, as the area I found it has a long history to it, but is frequented by druggies today. It does have the stamp "KREW" on the back, and after Googling around for a while trying to ID it, I kinda gave up for today.