handed him to another lady who took him for her husband. She in turn gave him to Jane as husband did like gaited horses.... Really nice animal... Never does anything wrong, ask and yea shall receive.
Cherokee, his owners in Oklahoma fell on bad times. They had 2 of them. From the looks of him they had been in bad times for awhile as we got him 2 weeks after they gave him to the killers and could have not of gotten that lean that fast we don't think.... Jane found him in at a auction in Agawam, Mass. There web site is
Crowley Horse Auction My wife knows them well, used to ride for them many years ago on auction nights..... He had the 2 rescue horses there. No bids on them. One person took the other one and Jane Cherokee. They got the paper work mixed up so we had the wrong info. We tracked them down on the internet and started asking. You have the wrong horse she says, thats Cherokee....Then started crying as she thought they had gone to the killer and were gone. Sad thing....but happens a lot these days.... She has all the papers on him. Registered Quarter horse, comes a nice line etc... We really didn't care about the papers... She filled us in on what he had been used for over the years and that he liked to play with the cows etc....Great horse for a kid...or adult, just not a mean bone in his body....Jane has taken him out a on the trails and really nice horse. Him and Ace took to each other like a duck takes to water. Ace was at a indoor all winter so what near here when we brought Cherokee home. We brought Ace home 2 weeks later after we were sure no shipping fever etc and Ace just walked up to him like they were old friends. Opened the gate and he took him out to show him the back 40. He knew what electrics were etc. Never bothers them...fact neither do and the one around the yard isn't even on, just to show them boundrys. They get along so well Jane decided to keep him here as a friend to Ace and spare horse or when she herself gets tired of gaited riding and just wants to canter again.... My daughter comes over and they ride together also as she moved her 2 horse up to Manchester, CT where she bought a home..... She had a chance to trade him for 6 year old and would not do it because she don't want to not know where he will end up.... Jane is fussy when it comes to their care.... Feet, teeth, shots, worms, it gets done right on time... I think both of them would come in the house if we let them....not gonna happen....
She took Ace out tonight just before dusk for a short trail ride and let Cherokee run with them. Never left them. Look great, her and the horses, the 3 dogs all trotting out thru the woods.....
There is more to the story, but I need to talk to Jane as she has it all written down from the lady after a 1 hour phone call..... Jane is at
a horse group tonight for natural horsemanship for women. About 12 of them who meet every Tuesday at another members home and talk horses, watch movies, or have in someone to teach......