It was light, medium size box and took 24 hours to get here! Now that's fast, considering where I live.
Here's the contents! A pair of Garrett's latest model headphone, single knob audio controlled, Garrett MS-2 Headphones. I ordered mine with the 1/4 inch plug to make it readily available for all my detectors, with the Garrett Z-Lyn Wireless unit attached or not.
I didn't get a chance to try them out tonight, as it was getting dark out, however, I did manage to kick back and listen to Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven using the MS Headphones. Great audio, and unable to hear my wife speaking to me 4 feet away. So far, very comfortable. A great new addition to the Garrett product line.
More information to follow when I try them out in real field conditions, in a noisy environment and sensitivity performance.