We just had the new Coinmaster arrive here in OZ and what a good looking machine for the money. It has been tried out against the Goldsnoop and its Iron disc litteraly kills the Snoop making it look like a toy. The Coinmaster has slightly better sensitivity too. On our Aussie coins I tested it out with, along with some iron bits and pieces, on minimum disc range the Coinmaster knocked out all the iron test pieces and retained all the coins, including some older 1800s pennies and shillings from England. The Snoop on 1/3 disc range still picked up one iron target with a good positive signal and another which started to splutter. To knock out the same level of iron as the Coinmaster by upping the Snoop disc range the Aussie $1, $2 and 50c pieces were eliminated with only the old English coins remaining to be detected positively. A 2 gram test bit of gold was also eliminated by the Snoop.
The Coinmaster on its minimum disc range picked up the bit of gold no worries with a strong signal. No contest
I did this test pitting them against each other as the Coinmaster will sell within the price range of this machine which has been touted as "new technology" capable of beating machines up to and over $1000 AUD
Good one Whites
The Coinmaster on its minimum disc range picked up the bit of gold no worries with a strong signal. No contest

Good one Whites