Hunted a pubic sports park Friday. Have hunted it several times in the past. Found the usual clad and trash, but this time got a gold ring that looks like it was either run over or struck by a mower. The big silver is just a replica, but sure made me pee a little when it came out of the ground. Decided it was time to go but didn't want the day to end so detected back to the car car and got a really sweet sound on the XLT. Looked at the screen and saw 83. Clad dimes usually hit 82. The few sliver dimes I have found have come in at 82-83 so this got my attention. But I didn't get my hopes up as this park isn't that old and I had been hitting bottle caps that gave similar VID. But as I continued to sweep the target the tone was so clean, no rough edges or anything. Cut the plug and saw the sliver rim and thought, no way. Boy was I glad to be wrong. First time I've ever dug gold and sliver on the same hunt. Ring is marked 10k.