boomers dad
New member
..I took the work keys assesment a couple weeks ago,(testing to see if we can meet minimum college entrance requirements),and today I got an e-mail from them stating that I have qualified for a "NATIONAL CAREER READINESS CERTIFICATE",meaning every college and employer will see this,and know I am qualified for HIGHER EDUCATION opportunities that come along for ME!!!I am seriouisly leaning toward Information Technology in Computers study-A 2 year course,COM-PLETELY paid for by TAA benifits from losing my job last July.There are a couple of community colleges within 40 miles of me that have the curriculum in that area.I still have a few things to attend to before I have the green light for book-learnin;all the paperwork has to be submitted,then the determination is made accordingly.I talked to one college yesterday;they told me fall semetser starts Sept.27th..........That will give me time to get all my ducks in a row college-wise;as well as:Vacations;M/C riding;wet/dry ; as well as the matter of my brother in law near the end of his life and us havin to go to Colorado SOON,but no way of knowing when........................