boomers dad
New member
.......As most of you know,I was a J.W. years ago.AND,I would like to say that during my time as one,I learned a few very valuable lessons:I learned from this particular group my wife and I belonged to that within this group;the more money you had,the higher up you were on the social ladder/gettin your you know what kissed -And I had very little ,so you all know where I stood.ANOTHER GOOD LESSON WAS that I owned a home here in the town where I live(I go by it every day),and it so happened that my city water line into my house sprung a leak;and I had to fix it.I had a full-time job,could only work on it after work.ON the very same day I was digging a 5 foot deep by 15 foot long trench to get to that water line,the J.W's were having a book study at a house RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET.I WISH I could say they dropped everything to help me,but no-There were at least 3-5 men there;they ALL had things they had to do after the book study.OH,BY THE WAY:I DID have help digging:A co-worker,whom was CATHOLIC.After they expressed their" immense" regret that they couldnt help me and left,my Catholic co-worker piped up and said'you refer to them as BROTHERS???".......Lessons learned:#!-Having money dont mean squat-I told my Dr. at church about the money issue,then I told him"I DONT care HOW much money ya got-I know you have more than I will ever see,but this isnt about money-this is being brothers in Christ."Lesson #2-Dont just SAY you are a follower of Christ,PROVE IT-Ya see something needs to be done,dont make excuses why ya CANT -Jump in and do it. Now;take THAT to the bank!!!.