Mike from MI Iron Brigade
New member
Hunted tonight with a few friends, and didn't get much the first few hours. The guys wanted to listen to what I was detecting before I dug anything that I thought might be good so they could see if it was a tone they would dig. The last hour was productive. I got a nice nickel tone, that turned out to be an 1869 shield nickel! About 15 minutes later I popped out a 1934 wheatie. Then about 10 feet from that I got another nice nickel tone that turned out to be a 1911 "V" nickel! About 15 feet from there I got a nice coin tone that looked to be about 6" down. I was thinking it might be a wheatie by the ID, but when I was digging it up I seen a copper that looked bigger than a wheat! I cleaned a little dirt off , and was able to see a nice little "2" looking back at me! Sure enough a very nice 1866 2 cent piece in great shape! Pics later if I can!