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Good Grief..............what's next?



Took the Stratos out today, going to catch me some crappie or bass fishes. Went buy store and got me 2 cans of smoked vienna sausages, one can of ole posummn sardines with chile peppers,one white onion, , and a package of hostess twinkee's, and a 6 pack of vanilla cherry Dr.Pepper, 2 packs of cigs, sack of ice--total? $12.00
but, I knew I had to eat good, to catch them paper mouths...
stopped by gas stations and was amazed how the price of gas went up 6 cents in one day to $2.06 a gallon for regular unleaded, but super clean high test , that the stratos 150 eveinrude, uses hi-test unleaded and it was $2.23 a gallon
inserted credit kawd, swiped it down and put it bak n the billfold,filled up the empty pull truck, with regular un leaded and shut the durn thingy off at $34.00 and it was not full....
pulled the pull truck forward so that the gas filler on boat would be lined up with hi-test unleaded. swiped the credit kawd again for hi test gas and started to put gas in the boat.
now when the boat was built back in 93, it was a professional fishing rig and came equiped with 2 tanks which hold 25 gallons apiece, for making long runs, on tourneyments
I have onlee ever used just one of these tanks and allways fill-her-up and put maybe 5 gallon or so in the reserve tank in case I runoutuf gas, I can allways git bak to shore at the launching ramp..
the darn pump just kept pumping and pumping and I shut the darn thingy off at $52.00 and it waz not even full.....
madder than a hornet, I finally took off for the lake and had to go thru 5 differetn schools taking up for classess and with all them cars still going places, somebody with gas prices the way they are, should be car pooling these kiddo's
got nearly to the lake and the water was in sight, all the time trying to go fiqure what the trip had all ready set me back money wise, for i live on a meagur retirement pension.....with the sight of my favorite lake, I forgot some of my troubles and backed down the empty ramp to unload the boat.
some fool had broke a beer bottle right on the ramp and it was on the side I could not see it and cut a 6-ply boat tire and it went ......"SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"
now here i am sitting within 15 yards of the water on a boatramp, after spending $12 for food and necessities and a boat and truck with over $86.00 worth of gas in them and a darn cut tire and cannot get intothe water.
now enybody with any common sense knows u cannot jack up a trailer on a inclined boat ramp, so I slowly drag it over to level ground and git out looking at that calm lake, oh, it was so nice and just knew them papermouthed crappie and sow bellied bass were going to fill my livewell.
got out the jack, a tire tool, jacked the trailer up after lossening the lug nuts, took off the cut tire, which had barely 10,000 miles on it all the time shaking my head
got the spare off the trailer after nearly never getting the 3 lugnuts loose and mounted the spare. let, the jack down and started to put the cut tire over into the bed of the truck and looked down and the spare was nearly flat.....GOOD GRIEF!
as luck has it, starting the new part-time job of caretaker of a large country cemetary and 9 solid waste stations scattered around our county, I had put a few things behind the seat of the truck for emergency's, like jumper cables, and a small air compressor pump. so, out comes the air compressor and I hook the cables up to the spare tire to pump that scobby up some, but the darn electrical leads was not long enough to reach the plug in the stomach felt like baseballs were rumbling in there, old age is not going to be fun if this is the way u start out on a perfectly preety day withgood intentions and every thing go wrong
so, i had to scotch the trailer and unhook the coupling and turn the darn truck around and drive right upside the trailer so the air compressor would hook up.....finally, after seemed forever, i got the leads hooked up and the compressor came to life.
as the tire was nearly completey pummped up, i saw a game offical warden crusing the dock and launching ramp.....paid him no attention and went about my re-hooking the boat trailer back to the truck and, stopping long enough to walk down and clean off the boat ramp of the broken glass, so not to cut another boat trailer tire.....
got into the truck and started backing down the ramp, finally going fishing on this fine spring day in southern rkinsaw.
now the boat motor has not been started for a couple of months and just as i reached for the key to start it after primeing the bulb, for some reason I stopped and wondered what else was going to go wrong this day and hit the starter, the 12 year old engine came to a roaring life , just as she allways have in the 12 years I have owned, I let her idle several minutes , just sitting there to warm up--before i unhooked the cable on the trailer that keeps the boat secure to the trailer.
the young looking game warden walked down to the dock right beside where the boat was warming up, grinned real big and siad have I been catching any lately? he was young and so neatly dressed....he must have double pressed his nice looking warden clothes, and i told him this was my first trip in so long for sickness at home and other hold backs.
I reached over the front of the boat to unlatch the cable and was going to drop the trolling motor over the side of the boat and use this to puyll with electrical powwer over to the dock he was standing on and let the big motot idel some more to warm up..
he casually then asked if I had thought to buy fishing lisencse? and I assured him I had them, would be there in just a moment, just as soon as I unhook and git over there, that I buy the combination hunting/fishing lisence every year during the fall and they are good for one year.
but, just as I reached over to unhook the boat a thought came to me----and fear and sickness kicked in. I sat over on the live well lid and just sat there looking at him and he knew by my look something was not rightside up!
I reached for the rodbox lid and raised it, this is where I keep all my identification papers in a water tight baggy and other papers that go with the boat, like registration and etc;, mainly the new law that rkinsaw has that you have to have $50,000 watercraft liability if your motor is greater than 15 horsepower.
I have allaways carried $100,000 liability even on the boat when not required for this is the amount I carry on all my trucks/cars/4 wheelers and a million on myself for my new part time job.
I knew as i was opening the water tight sack to get the liablity papers out that it was close to time to re-new this paper, for the renewal notice had came in the mail the week before........fear, struck me as if--what if?
I sat there mader than old get out at myself for not thinking to check this important paper before I pulled out this morning for it had expied March 15 th 3 days ago. I would be illegal if I unhooked the boat and just reached over and killed the big enjine, got out and pulled the boat and tailer from the water, never saying a word to the officail, standing there wondering what is wrong with this old foggy!
went and was putting the transom saver back under the motor to trailer it safely along with the transom tie downs, when he walks up and asked kind of a funny way, what was the problem.
I just kind of sheepishly looked at him and showed him my fishing lisence was up to date but, my liability had expied and i had forgot the date on the papers. he was very nice and grinned real big and siad lots of tickets he and others write are for this over look and was glad I was not off the trailer when he came up or he would have written me up over this......
I just do not know why, maybe it was just the bad day I was allready having but this comment just did not sit to well with me and he saw my face gitting red, red,red!
I finished preparing the boat trailer for the trip home, putting the rods back under lids and tackle boxes.etc and he just kept on jibby jabbering.....making short talk, that was un necessary......
now with a son with a degree in criminal justice, I have great respect for our law officials, both gamewise and other, park rangers,etc; for they just have a job to do and do not make the laws/rules, just inforce them, but sometimes it pays in the long run to cut the general public a little slack
before I left I told him of how much gas i spent for the truck boat and my lunch and then of cutting a $125 tire and the trouble I had allready and just was not in the mood, that I needed to get home for there I had a 47 year old wife with cancer and taking chemo treatments-- only after I had just had major prostate surgery and fishing was one way I could forget my troubles......
His eyes got really wide and stepped back as I drove off......U know, I think I shall sell everthing that burns gas, boat moror, 4 wheeler, lawnmowers, weed eaters, blowers,trucks, cars, and sit on the rocking chair on the front porch and give every body the finger as they drive by in thier motor gas driven vehickles <img src="/metal/html/frown.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":("> <img src="/metal/html/shocked.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":shock"> <img src="/metal/html/confused.gif" border=0 width=15 height=22 alt=":?"> <img src="/metal/html/sad.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":sad"> <img src="/metal/html/tongue.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":b"> <img src="/metal/html/tongue.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":b"> <img src="/metal/html/tongue.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":b">
now, how was yur day--compared to mine, huh?
warden wouldn't let you go ahead and fish! But you can tell just by the look on their face how they are going to treat you! I'm sorry your day was so bad, but you showed a side of you in this post that I have never seen before. I know all of us have it, but it looks particularly bad on you, Butchie Boy, because you are a survivor. So sit in the rocking chair when you want to enjoy it, otherwise, get you s--- together, and that smile you have on your face most of the time, and try again!
And then tell me where the crappie are! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
I hope things get better soon! <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":)">
honestly i know where your coming from.
The patience gets real short cause every day something goes wrong, and you worry, try to keep up the facade but it gets so hard.
Just remember my friend, that you are doing such a fine job and there is room for error, lots of room!
Maybe you had the whole years worth of bad luck today and things will be smooth sailing the rest of the year.
You could run that truck and boat both with a fresh batch of your famous squeezin's..... <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=";)"> <img src="/metal/html/wink.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=";)">
To heck with them big oil companies! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol">
Keep your chin up....tomorrow WILL be BETTER.
to get out of bed. Heck, they probably werent bitin anyway! <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> I hope things get better for you cause we all know catching a few crappie makes things a lot better!
Lil Brother <img src="/metal/html/smile.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":)">
think of it this way. The next time you go just has to be 100 percent better.
You did get a interesting story out of it and we all feel sorry for you so it was not a total loss!!
Now use that gas and go catch some fish and tell us about it!! <img src="/metal/html/grin.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":grin">
sometimes you're the dog and sometimes you're the hydrant... <img src="/metal/html/lol.gif" border=0 width=15 height=15 alt=":lol"> Oh well, nexttime will be better!