hey everyone! FINLAY winter is gone at my place! it's 40F right now and i am PUMPED! anyways instead of researching where to go detecting i have been being lazy all winter XD i check on the forum once in a while but than after that it's back to playing video games! (happens when you grow up with 6 siblings and we all played video games) i kind of have been having a issue with going to sleep though, (well now it's pretty much gone thanks to my loving christian family
) but sometimes when i would go to sleep i would think about heaven (anyone think about heaven during night time and then you're head starts to hurt because you start to think about living forever and that's really REALLY hard to think about?... or is that just me XD?) basically i think about heaven then i think about living forever then my head starts to hurt and i can't sleep... ANYWAYS done talking about my life, (it's all boring i know, trust me XD) i want to hear how everyone Else's winter was! (because who doesn't like to hear about someones life? i know i don't!) like.. what did you do for the past winter that involved metal detecting (i may sound kind of creepy right now, but I'm not. i am NOT a stalker XD I'M ONLY 13! 14 may this year..AAH i keep on rambling on and on and on about random stuff! it's like I'm writing an article!) ANYWAYS AGAIN hope it's not TOO cold for anyone right now!