New member
tonight at home and then in NY tomorrow night! May the best team win...hopefully, the Cardinals!

The Door-to-Door POD is supposed to be delivered tomorrow with my brother's things and then he will have to unload and put them in my basement. I'm not able to help much with my back the way it is
but will do what I can....like hold the door open and watch the animals that they don't get stepped on, but they spend most of their time in his bedroom anyway. Princess, his cat, is coming out now and doing a little nosing around but doesn't stay as she prefers sleeping most of the time!

Hope all are well and doing okay and Happy
to ya all!
God Bless!
Betty (Ma)
The Door-to-Door POD is supposed to be delivered tomorrow with my brother's things and then he will have to unload and put them in my basement. I'm not able to help much with my back the way it is

Hope all are well and doing okay and Happy

God Bless!
Betty (Ma)