All the stuff tabdog has been finding on his tot-lot hunts inspired me to take the Golden down to the school playground. Not many coins lost since the schools here went to the voucher system a couple of years ago but usually there's a few, and always the chance of finding small gold ring. No gold, just two junk rings, a dolphin, an earring and two bobble head toys with magnetic feet that were 4 inches down in the gravel near the swings. Only one coin that wasn't a penny, a nickel size coin from the Cayman Islands.
I always run in all metal when hunting the playground and tot-lots to get the sharp metal things that might hurt a child. Wouldn't have found the Cayman coin in disc mode, it's iron with a thin coat of nickel, or some shiney metal, on it. The coating is coming off in places and you can see it's rusting. Glad we don't have iron coins.