'reddirtfisher', While I do use a very few Double-D (aka Wide-Scan) coils it is only because I have no alternative. The Teknetics 5" DD is the only smaller coil they make for me to use on my Omega and G2, and the 5X10 DD is also the only other smaller coil for the G2. I wish they made a smaller Concentric coil as I have long preferred a Concentric coil over a Double-D for several reasons. One is that they pinpoint better/easier, a second reason is that the Concentric coil Discriminates better (especially when dealing with iron), and a third reason is that a Concentric coil gets slightly better depth in most environments than a similar-size Double-D coil.
Also, as for differences in performance between two models, even if they use the very same search coil, I found that to be a little common among many Tesoro models. I had three (3) Tej