New member
I just knew after yesterdays hunt that there were some good targets to be had. Hit at the crack of dawn this morning and really put my head down! First target was a junk bracelet. That got me going even if it was junk, I was thinking JEWELRY!! After a few really green coins I got a whisper of a signal that I could only pick up every 2 or 3 sweeps. took out a scoop and it was stronger, but a bit broken. I am immediatly thinking deep bottlecap as is mostly the case with these types of signals. Another scoop, still in the hole, but signal is now sounding a little better...hmmmmm. 3rd scoop, its out. Kick the pile and the sweet sight of gold appears!!! Boy I wish I had a camera, the sun shining off of it looked soooooo pretty! Small gold band two tone white and yellow gold(explains the broken signal). I didn't see the stamp until I got home it is very worn but 14K!! After that I really slowed down and found quite a few more crusty green coins. Ran into the AT Pro newbie that I met yesterday and showed him the ring. All he had found was a quarter and some trash. I told him to scrub the edge and we parted in different direactions. An hour or so went by with not much to show for it when I got a nice solid signal that really sounded good. 2, 3, 4 scoops wow, gotta be a can or some other large junk. Almost walked but one more scoop and I saw it in the hole. WW2 shell that was VERY DEEP! I see ATPRO headed back toward me scrubbing the edge like I told him. He shows me a couple old greenies and I showed him the shell. We parted and ten feet further in his tracks I get a clean but deep signal. 3 scoops and I pop out the other 14k band! Turn and catch him to show it to him. I dropped it back in the hole at the same depth and had him try and get a reading. Nope. Nothing. I check again with the excal and yup, still a nice clean signal. Parted ways and headed home for a well deserved shower. Heres some pics, enjoy!