Hit it from 5 to 9 this morning. Low tide wasnt till around 10 but that just meant id get a bit more wet. $3.16 in clad, 3 silver rosies ( cant get date on any of em) 1 1944 merc, my 1st silver quarter in water 1945, 10k mens ring that was pretty deep, came up in 4th scoop of my big sun spot stealth. Signal was very faint, if I had threshold any higher I coul've missed it. Also found this interesting nugget. I knew it wasnt brass so I took it to get checked out. Guy says it looks like gold, feels like gold & it scratched like gold, but his acid test was inconclusive. He suggested I have a gravity test done on it just to be certain. Im Thinking its fools gold because I dont think there's any nuggets inlong island sound. As you can see that ring is in 3 pieces now. It ended up on the shaft of the dremmel & took a ride into my fridge. OOPS.