Today we had a mini group hunt at an old park....this is the park where I got the two seated dimes and shield nickel a couple weeks ago, was hoping for more like that but it wasn't meant to be. Hunted with Starky (Erich) Bell-Two (Tony) and his wife Diane
It was a beautiful sunny 81 degree day and EVERYONE got oldies.
I got a 10k 1/20 filled gold bracelet for my gold
1924 merc for my silver
2 indians..1881 and 1 no date ,and 8 wheats for my copper
1916 buffalo, brass whistle, few odds and ends, and almost $4.00 in clad, pretty fun day by all! Diane got her first ever V nickel that was really cool!
It was a beautiful sunny 81 degree day and EVERYONE got oldies.
I got a 10k 1/20 filled gold bracelet for my gold
1924 merc for my silver
2 indians..1881 and 1 no date ,and 8 wheats for my copper
1916 buffalo, brass whistle, few odds and ends, and almost $4.00 in clad, pretty fun day by all! Diane got her first ever V nickel that was really cool!