Yesterday while the northeast Ohio weather was hovering around a balmy 35 degrees, I went through my jewelery finds box to see how much sterling I could round up to sell. Though I dig as much junk as anyone, I hardly ever find gold. I am half way through my second set of batteries with the AT and I have found more old coins already than all of last year. I have found four rings, with two broken and crushed. I had given them a quick rinse and threw them into the box thinking they were junk. Since they were on top of the compartment, I had to grab them first while looking for silver rings. I noticed a distinct heft to them so I cleaned them off and inspected them with my loop. Low and behold a 10k and 14k markings! One woman's ring and one medium sized mans ring. I dug threw the rest of my jewelery stuff and found one more larger womens gold ring. I did not find it with the AT. A word to the wise when quickly looking at gold. Do not go by appearance alone. When these rings were dirty, they did not look like shiney yellow gold. All three were a dull brass- yellow, sort of like the cheap junk stuff. Since I only recently found two of the rings, I can sort of remember how they sounded and where they hit. High forties, low fifties and slightly deeper than I find pull tabs and beaver tails. Now if it would only warm up and stop raining. R.L.