Bavaria Mike
New member
I can't think straight as it's only been about 45 minutes since I found it. Here is what I know so far, they were minted from 1250ish through the mid 1400s. Mine is slightly different than the later years and could be from the 1200s. ITALY-Venice (1343-1354) Gold Ducat Obverse portrays the Doge (Duke) of Venice kneeling before St. Mark, the Patron Saint of Venice. In abbreviated Latin the legend has the name of the Doge (Andreas Dandolo), and "Scared money of Venice." The reverse portrays a standing image of Christ surrounded by the stars of Heaven, holding his right hand in Benediction and a book of Gospels in his left. The legend reads "may this Royal Ducat be dedicated to Thee, O Christ. Weight is approx. 3.5 gm and is slightly smaller than an American Nickle. Value around 400 USD.
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Reverse. I hope I don't have to sell it, under German law they could force me to do so. More later when I come off this natural high. HH, Mike
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Reverse. I hope I don't have to sell it, under German law they could force me to do so. More later when I come off this natural high. HH, Mike
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