Masonic ID Tag. It's solid gold with white gold inlay.
[attachment 204962 JamesWalker1masonicidtagedit.jpg] [attachment 204963 JamesWalker4masonicidtagedit.jpg]
According to John Kendrick, of DIV, "Edwin Graves was a First Sergeant in Co. "F" 37th Massachusetts Volunteers. He was shot in the knee on May 5th, 1864 only a couple days after they left the camp in Brandy Station. His leg was amputated and he died in the hospital in Fredericksburg May 21st. 1864."
Butch Holcomb of American Digger Magazine shared these photos from this months edition of his magazine. Thank you Butch.
[attachment 204971 americandiggercover.jpg]
[attachment 204962 JamesWalker1masonicidtagedit.jpg] [attachment 204963 JamesWalker4masonicidtagedit.jpg]
According to John Kendrick, of DIV, "Edwin Graves was a First Sergeant in Co. "F" 37th Massachusetts Volunteers. He was shot in the knee on May 5th, 1864 only a couple days after they left the camp in Brandy Station. His leg was amputated and he died in the hospital in Fredericksburg May 21st. 1864."
Butch Holcomb of American Digger Magazine shared these photos from this months edition of his magazine. Thank you Butch.
[attachment 204971 americandiggercover.jpg]