Hello Sir,
There are some distinct possibilities. Weight in grams is important. Exact dimensions are also important.
Include diameter and thickness.
The cross generally limits the coin to a Christian culture.
Are there any letters around the obverse? If there are, could you print them out reading in a clockwise
rotation in a straight line from left to right starting at about 8:00 O'clock & reading to about 4:00 0'clock?
A larger picture would be of significant help.
What precisely is at the four ends of the cross?
What are the symbols inside the four quadrants of the cross?
Jetons often had a cross on one side with symbols inside the quadrants of the cross..
If there aren't any letters words or numbers, it could be a French, German or English Jeton.
Jetons also often had words around one side.
Common jetons weren't usually gold or silver.
There were coin copies, forgeries, struck as early as the ancient Greek periods. Many Roman fakes
were struck by Europeans, even though the Romans struck legitimate coins as far north as England,
Germany, & Austria.
The Nutty Teacher