Took the Gold Bug SE ( with 11 inch DD on it ) out today to a beach that has black sand, iron bits and hot rocks all over the place. Running at 100 gain, disc 18, in the wet sand and suds, the unit was giving me a lot of low tone clicks and pops, but when that baby hit a coin, tab or something over the discriminate range, it banged on it hard and deep. Found a few tabs at least 12 inches down in the suds. A few deep quarters and 2 tiny rings which look like they came from a spark plug. Unit ran very stable as well even with the pops and clicks. No high tone falsing what so ever. Starting to really figure out what iron sounds like when it breaks through. There is no mistaking a good target ( ie, a target over the break point) in the 1-10 inch range....the deeper ones I am wiggling the coil faster and hitting them at multiple angles and sometimes switching to all metal, but for the most part, it's beach hunting so I am digging em anyway. NO NAILS were dug . I did dig one big hot rock in all metal since I wanted to verify it. It did not hit in discriminate mode. It was all over the place ID wise in all metal. I should have tried to ground balance to it to see what happens, but most of the hot rocks are small so there was no need. The GB took care of them no problem.
I am loving this unit for beach hunting. Super light and so easy to swing Too bad I have to be wary of the waves.
Gotta figure out a way to make it semi-water proof. Just enough for when I get into the knee deep water and a bigger wave comes by with a spash, I don't have to worry.
I am loving this unit for beach hunting. Super light and so easy to swing Too bad I have to be wary of the waves.
Gotta figure out a way to make it semi-water proof. Just enough for when I get into the knee deep water and a bigger wave comes by with a spash, I don't have to worry.