cwtrader1863 said:
I have used a newer Gold Bug Pro and a G2 at house sites. I was much more impressed with the GB Pro then the G2. The G2 would not see thru iron nearly as well. Ive heard people rave about the G2's abilities in iron which I did not see.
IF the Gold Bug version you used was indeed a modern Gold Bug Pro or Gold Bug DP,
and you compared it against a G2,
and if they both used the same search coil for comparison at the
same site at the
same time (side-by-side), then performance should have been almost identical (as long as the settings were the same).
cwtrader1863 said:
Mine was one of the first on the market, was it not as good as the later models?
I have an early-release Teknetics G2 which, at turn-on, reads Gold Bug. It needs the updated change to report G2 at turn-on. It is my understanding that once they finished the G2 and final Gold Bug Pro versions, they shared the same electronics and the only viewable difference was that one reported it to be a Gold Bug and the other reported G2. Same guts and same performance.
cwtrader1863 said:
There could always be that possibility and I have seen a number of different makes and models (different manufacturers) that had a glitch when ne or shortly thereafter.
cwtrader1863 said:
Do I need to buy a G2 and give that machine another chance?
If you have a Gold Bug 'project' detector (any of the Gold Bugs that were used to work up to the final version which was then named Gold Bug Pro or Gold Bug DP), then you will maybe have slightly difference performance , in one of several ways, from the final Gold Bug which was then labeled Gold Bug Pro and shows the '4' version. If you are satisfied with the performance of your Gold Bug version, then I see no need to buy another similar model just to 'compare.'
If you do, please let us know which version you have now and how they compare, at the same time, with the same settings, and with the same search coil.
cwtrader1863 said:
Recently, I have seen people post that the 2.9 version GB pro is better then the current model? Any truth to that?
There were a number of Gold Bugs, which I wish would have had a different name, and that has added to the confusion. It reminds me of the Tesoro line when they had the four different Silver Sabre's and four different Bandido models. If you didn't specify which Bandido you had, it was confusing to try and answer or help a person.
There was the 'original' Gold Bug and then the Gold Bug II. Both of these Fisher models had their own strong points, and neither of them provided us with variable discrimination which makes them a multi-purpose model. To most of us who have been around for a while, a 'Gold Bug' was simply a good-performing, trend-setting gold nugget based model.
Then came the Gold Bug 'project' that lead to the final Gold Bug Pro, with a 5" DD coil standard, or the identical electronics model called the Gold Bug DP which comes with an 11' DD coil. Same detector, same electronics, same adjustments and same function ... but a different name as one if a 'Pro' and one is a 'DP' That's confusing to some. If you swap an 11" coil on a Gold Bug Pro for the stock 5" DD, is it still a Gold Bug pro, or do you change it;'s name to a Gold Bug DP? To me, that was a bit nutty, and I know it has confused some people.
Take the Teknetics G2. It only comes with an 11" DD coil and if you swap that for the 5" DD, which I do for hunting extremely trashy sites, it is still a G2, but with a 5" DD coil. They didn't cross name one model simply due to a search coil that is affixed to it.
And before there was a 'Pro' added to the final Gold Bug, and I am referring to the final finished version which, I believe, registers a version '4' number, there were several models simply called a Gold Bug or Gold Bug SE and they had their own differences between them, such as some had VCO and some didn't. Some were hotter on silver and other higher conductive coins than others. There were different version numbers assigned to them, but the control face decal only said Gold Bug, as I recall from those I have seen, and didn't have the 'Pro' or 'DP' added to the name.
I know that I used an early Gold Bug version, I believe it was a '1', and I actually liked the audio response from it over my G2 as it lacked the VCO audio. The problem with the VCO audio, or a problem in my opinion, is that it peaks a bit too rapidly and is mainly tied in with a much stronger audio response from a closer-located target. The early Gold Bug version without the VCO audio seemed to handle some iron trashy site conditions a bit better and produced a pleasing audio.
That said, I did note other differences, such as a bit better depth with my G2 and I have been pleased with it ever since.
cwtrader1863 said:
I was really impressed with my GB Pro which I bought 2 months ago. What version is it? Any and all evaluations appreciated in advance.
Does you Gold Bug say Gold Bug
Pro on the control face? After checking it at turn-on, tell us which version you have. That would let all readers know which model you might be referring to.