In my recent testing i was air testing in all metal at 7.5"on a gold ring and a quarter at 7.5" i could not hear the quarter but the gold ring was just punding thru in fact i could get it at 8" easy i could get the quarter at 6" with a diggable but soft sound , and it really goes to point out if you are looking for silver coins this is not the machine not to say it could not find them but a machine like the F-4 with a lower khz would do the job better and go deeper i also did a hot rock test badd hot rock stops every madhine in disq from seeing the dime under it yes even the gold bug , But hear is the good news i ground balanced over the rock and in all metal got the dime with a clear resounding signal and even better with a gold ring . this will be the machine for finding gold rings and it is a great machine i like the ability it has to I.D in all metal on the graph this machine has a great all metal mode and it loves gold ,