I'm sending in my DeLeon for a tune up and cleaning today and it hasn't even left the building and I miss it already. It's going to be a tough couple of weeks without it. The main reason I am sending it in is for a new grip as I have worn the other off and had put a grip from a crutch on it plus I am going to have a new battery case put on because every once in a while the doors will come open. I have had it for six years now with plenty of trouble free hours behind it. As many of you loyal forum readers know I had a great year in 08 with my D With 24 rings over half of them gold a few silver coins and over 350.00 in clad. So I will be on pins and needles till my D returns but I figure now is the time to get this done even though we are in for a few days of warm weather they won't last long as there are still a few months of winter left. Anyway thanks for reading and Keep looking down!