have to be so careful any more with all the forgery and theft that's going on and if the tellers cash the wrong check they are the ones who get in trouble and maybe even have to replace the money...I don't know for sure, but I've heard store clerks have to replace money when they are short for their time at the registers! I've been with my bank for years and those working inside the office know me, but since the tellers change so much, I have to show my drivers license when cashing checks or getting cash out of my accounts! I had fraud committed against me and the bank has notice of this on my accounts and even question me by phone when I send a transfer in from one account to another! They are just being extra careful!
I heard today on the news that mail is being stolen out of mailboxes and people aren't getting any of their mail, so thieves are using acct numbers and etc. to steal money from unsuspecting victims! But you know what...in the Book of Revelations it says it will be so in the last days and it is going to get worse! So again, I say, save those who will be saved and come quickly, Lord Jesus! The time of our redemption is drawing nigh, so we need to be ready watching and waiting, patiently!
Sorry this is so long and I tend to preach too much!
God Bless!