Today we had our christmas concert in our little mountain church.God met us there in a mighty way. Bob Banks one of the men from another church who plays and sings to help us out just found out he has cancer .He spoke to us and told everyone that the doctor only gave him until this summer to live.He told us he is ready for what ever God has in store for him and urged everyone who didn't know Jesus to do it now before it't to late . As he spoke he told us he was led to the Lord in 1997 by a man and he is here today.Bob asked my oldest son Danny to stand he told the congreation that he wouldn't go to church and always had an excuse but Danny kept after him to go and it was because of Danny that he got saved. Danny hasen't gone to church for many years and is addicked to pain medication and other drugs he has been struggling with addictions for years.He has a new doctor and is on a new med to help him deal with his pain . I have asked many people to pray for him Bob Danny and I got together after the concert and Danny said he is going to start going back to church with Bob. Every person in the church had tears in ther eyes .When the service was over many people went up to Bob and told him he would be in there prayers .Please pray for complete healing for Bob. Praise be to God for today and every day God bless. Your brother in Christ Harold N.S. Canada.