I met my buddy Fumunda Dave Saturday morning at the ghetto silver park. Reluctantly, I might add. That's because I figured I've hammered this place to death and the silver joy ride was about to end. You know where this is going. Just for kicks and giggles, I decided to go straight to a small hill that I have been over no fewer than 15 times. I worked EXTREMELY SLOW this time. I must have looked like an old man moving a walker over the turf.
I wasn't even finding wheaties for awhile, then I got 2 in quick succession. Fumunda went to work another hill in the park. Then I got a crappy, deep, high-tone squeak, barely repeatable. A '54 rosie between 8 and 9 inches!
Not more than 10 feet away, I get another awful deep squeaker, repeatable, and it's a '47 rosie from the same depth.
About 15 feet from there, I get an absolutely horrible signal and pull out a 1919 mercury dime.
There is no way I would have dug that signal 6 months ago, no less heard it. Then I get a clipped, no-date merc about 30 feet from there, the worst signal of the day.
Moving ultra-slow with this machine is an ear-opening experience! Found one more wheatie before calling it a day around lunch hour. 4 silver and 3 wheaties in 3.5 hrs at a park I've been killing since late December. I never would have thought....
Happy hunting everyone! - Jim

Happy hunting everyone! - Jim