foxhunter said:
i see the new 10" DD coil is out. my ? is how can this coil work on so many different machines..7k all the way to the machines adjust for this internally? it seems one or the other machines would loose on the 10" DD built for 7k or 18k? thanks to all..i cant be the only one wondering about this..
The new 10" elliptical Double-D coil was more specifically designed for the Teknetics G2 and Fisher Gold Bug Pro and Gold Bug DP. These models use the same internal electronics but are in different rod-designs.
The Fisher's use an 'S' rod and the GB Pro comes with a round 5" DD, and the GB DP has the 110" Double-D coil. The Teknetics G2 has the Tek. Omega rod & grip set-up and comes with the 11" DD coil. Note that all of these models use the Teknetics Double-D search coils, by design, and they operate at 19 kHz.
Also, by design, First Texas Products designed them to function with the same Double-D search coils that are for the 7.8 kHz models. No, there is no operator adjustment for primary frequency. The 7.8 'Greek' series (Omega, Gamma, Delta and Alpha, top-to-bottom) had been around for a couple of years when they finished working up the Gold Bug pro/G2 models and,
by design, they share the same search coils.
Also, note that the Gold Bug and G2 models, designed at that higher 19 kHz frequency, were principally designed for hunting gold nuggets. That's why they designed them to work at 19 kHz and why they have a very good All Metal mode Threshold and GB adjustment. They have found favor with many relic hunters and some coin hunters due to the inclusion of a motion-based Discriminate mode which makes them a more versatile "multi-purpose" detector.
Just two operating frequencies are used, the 7.8 kHz and 19 kHz.