I saw it right after you posted, but I have been busy with trying to make a move (trying to find
where to move), packing, trying to find a new home for a 1yr. old Beagle, and taking a break with a little detecting here and there. I know I started a reply one evening, but I guess I got too tired and never finished it. So, wide awake this noon-hour, I'll share my opinions and thoughts.
Okay, your question concerned:
Re: 6000 Pro XL or XL Pro GEB DISC. VS. GEB SAT.
For readers who don't know what the terms are or the function mode, here it is:
6000 Pro XL or XL Pro are the same detector with only a name change. These are considered moderate-to-fast sweep 4-filter designs that also feature a Tuner control to adjust a slight audio Threshold.
GEB Disc. simply means it is White's description of a Ground Balanced motion-based
Discrimination search mode.
GEB SAT is White's Ground Balanced
All Metal mode, operating with Auto-tune, or SAT (Self Adjusting Threshold).
Harold said:
I was wondering those that have an XL-PRO/6000 could tell me which mode you prefer and why?
For most detecting I do using a 6000 Pro XL or XL Pro, I prefer to use the GEB Discriminate mode. I only use the All Metal/Pinpoint mode for adjusting or checking the Ground Balance setting, or for pinpointing a target. On a rare occasion I might use the All Metal mode in the GEB SAT setting, but that's if I am scouring a larger open area in search of ANY metal target that might alert me to former human activity or habitat, at which time I slow down and go to the GEB Disc. mode for my general site coverage.
The "
and why" answer is this.:
[1]..The discriminate mode uses a variable Disc. level and I an fine-tune it to just barely reject the common iron nails and that's what I do most of he time.
[2].. The Discriminate mode provides for a proper slight audio Threshold hum, and I like that, too, because I can hear if there is a nulling caused by rejected iron.
[3].. They feature a Signal Balance control (aka Pre-Amp Gain or Rx Gain) which helps reduce the required sweep speed and also boosts the sensitivity/target response.
[4].. The motion Disc. mode helps to smooth out the subtle audio variations in response caused by ground texture and/or slight ground mineral changes.
Harold said:
Have been using the GEB DISC. mostly, But keep hearing about the better depth and slower coil movement in GEB SAT. mode.
The Disc. mode requires a moderate-to-fast sweep, but search coil choice and Signal Balance settings can reduce the required sweep speed a good deal. The GEB Normal or standard All Metal mode does NOT have an auto-tune and while you need t sweep the coil to locate a target, once detected, the coil can be hovered over the target w/o any audio change or re-set to the Threshold. This can, in theory, provide a little better depth than you can get in the Discriminate mode ...
if you can listen for the subtle audio changes in the threshold audio.
Use of the GEB-SAT mode helps to smooth out the audio as it will quickly restore or maintain a set Threshold level over varying ground mineral and ground texture environments. The strength is that you will not be hearing the audio changes as you could in the GEB-Norm All Metal mode. The down-side is that you will not have the benefit of any Discrimination to reject unwanted trash, and the auto-tune speed can also reduce (limit) the detection depth of smaller-size targets.
Yes, you can hunt in GEB-SAT and sweep a little slower, but it has to be faster then the GEB-Norm selection, and it will do better with the 6