Just to make sure....
Stick and a pie pan text me where at...I told him I wanted to test this 1-10 pattern for iron...so we hit the old church campgrounds that I posted on finding worked out areas before...
This place has been detected to death and as we walked onto the grounds stick and a pie pan showed me a new freshly dug large dirt hole....
That made my test even better as it had just been detected recently.
We had the 1-10 patter for the etrac's loaded and gave it a go.
PIC of the campgrounds
Yep...we worked to find these...mine on the left and his on the right
as you can see he did really good for this area ...
My best coin of the hunt
SO DOES THIS 1-10 PATTERN WORK FOR THE ETRAC........YES or ask stick and a pie pan.....RUN AND GUN >>>HIT AND DIG PATTERN...
Stick and a pie pan text me where at...I told him I wanted to test this 1-10 pattern for iron...so we hit the old church campgrounds that I posted on finding worked out areas before...
This place has been detected to death and as we walked onto the grounds stick and a pie pan showed me a new freshly dug large dirt hole....
That made my test even better as it had just been detected recently.
We had the 1-10 patter for the etrac's loaded and gave it a go.
PIC of the campgrounds
Yep...we worked to find these...mine on the left and his on the right
as you can see he did really good for this area ...
My best coin of the hunt
SO DOES THIS 1-10 PATTERN WORK FOR THE ETRAC........YES or ask stick and a pie pan.....RUN AND GUN >>>HIT AND DIG PATTERN...