[size=small]Not many many users of the SH II. Not sure why - mostly because the Excal gets all the press and surf pirates are a tight lot. When something works, it gets everyone on board. Aarrrrgh, matey!
But there are a few who use the SH II to good effect. It has been a standard among divers for years. Most users admit the DISC feature touted by Garrett is a load of bunk-ola and they steer away from the double beep that iron gives. Everything else they dig. Simple as that.
They also say you will become expert in it's subtleties and it WILL find you stuff - but you gotta stay with it long enough to get there.
The depth is there with the SH II at the seashore, as its a pulse unit. Have yourself a long handled, rugged scoop and a case of Goody's powder in the beginning! Just like other rod-mount box units, it's bound to be a little bit clunky and will be at its best with a chest mount harness. Second choice would be the under-forearm mounting position. It's been my experience that hipmounting is a distant third choice option with any detector.
On the other hand, the SH II is built like a tank, with none of those dangly bits and "growths" like the Excal has. A few knobs and just about bullet proof. Thats a good conmbination. The batteries are mounted externally in a separate H2O-proof module. Oh, that my Tiger Shark had THAT feature!
Since the SH II is a PI unit and had no real DISC to speak of, its not often recommended in the fresh water environment. Those who use it there are those who learn it well, have a high trash tolerance and just dig about everything. Not a bad combination, when you come to think about it.
I'm a Garrett fan. Good AMERICAN company, excellent products and service.
I'd like to have an SH II, and I suspect that one day I will. Until then, please learn yours well and keep us posted on your progress. I, for one, will be awaiting your every word.[/size]