I have only had one opportunity on a short vacation to St Augustine to try beach hunting with my 2500, I found there to be a huge learning curve to get used to the beach thing vs the land hunting. I had zero luck actually in the water, but I don't recall any bigger problem with false readings.
Simple things like where do I set my detector while I dig ?....the surf comes rushing in and could get your control box wet if you just set it down anywhere, yet if you run up the beach to dry land...you lose your "hot spot". Also, the sand isn't stable...esp down in the surf, your holes fill up as fast as you dig. Beaches are just different from hunting on the land.
I did have a bit of luck closer to the hotel arund their beach chairs. I didn't find any jewelry, but coins were plentiful....and I'm sure jewelry would eventually turn up.
As to false signals in damp conventional soil, I would say just the opposite. It seems to me that my 2500 actually likes a bit of dampness to the soil....or maybe it is just me finding the digging to be easier!